Jo-Anne Niemann founded Change Builders in 2006, to empower people, and organisations to thrive and achieve success, through purposeful change, and intentional learning!
Change Builders Values
Intentional Learning
Maintain a lifelong learning & growth mindset.
Stay curious to gain deeper insights.
Seek new opportunities to learn and grow.
Intentionally practice the behaviours that will support desired growth.
Share knowledge and skills to empower others to succeed and thrive.
Hold individuals accountable to their own goals and commitments.
Cultivate self-empowerment, ownership, responsibility and growth.
Be adaptable and open to change.
Positive Mindset
Cultivate well-being and optimism.
Improve the strengths, grit, and resilience of those we serve.
Approach challenges with a positive outlook.
Practice positive thinking and behaviours.
What my clients saying about their experience: