10 Ways to Improve Your Interview Performance

Jo-Anne Niemann

Yay it’s great day people...another day full of opportunities to be inspired, to grow, to learn and to build that career that supports the life you want! Whether you're just starting out, in the midst of an unexpected career change, or simply thinking about a potential career transition, it's time to feel more positive about interviews!

Whether it's seasoned professionals or those just starting out, building self-confidence in interview performance remains one of the most consistent concerns people share with me. So, while there imay not be a magic wand to improve interview performance, there are self-empowering steps that help you take control over your interview preparation.

Firstly, if you've struggled with interviews in the past, and have become an interview-phobe, then empower yourself by reframing the situation to gain a different and fresh perspective...one that helps you better understand the effect of your behaviours, and the opportunities for you to make changes.

Having a positive outlook is a great foundation for building the career you want, and preparation for an interview is one of the most positive actions you can take toward achieving your goal. It's not rocket science, but there is a process to improving your interview preparation.

Here are '10 Tips To Prepare for Your Job Interview', designed to strengthen your approach, and help guide you on where to begin your interview preparation. It is not exhaustive, but feedback suggests that when followed, each of the steps outlined leads to a greater sense of empowerment for the interviewee, and improved interview performance.

  1. Review all available information to develop a strong understanding of the role requirements.

  2. Highlight the key Selection Criteria on which the interview will most likely be based.

  3. Review your expertise (skills, knowledge, experience) against each key selection criterion.

  4. Brainstorm specific examples (dates, roles, actions, outcomes) of how you meet each key selection criterion.

  5. Familiarise yourself with Behavioural Interview Questions and their purpose.

  6. Familiarise yourself with ‘CAR’ (Context, Action, Result) method of answering interview questions.

  7. Brainstorm possible Behavioural Interview Questions for each selection criterion and write them down.

  8. Practice answering the Behavioural Interview Questions you created with ‘CAR’ responses.

  9. Prepare talking points for the interview e.g. why you are the ideal candidate etc.

  10. Focus your efforts on being calm, believing in you, & getting the job.


Being interviewed for a role you really want can feel daunting, so if you're seeking some improvement to your interview preparation and performance, then feel free to use these tips, and forward this article to others seeking help in their career development process. Hopefully these ten tips will shift you from feeling overwhelmed to feeling empowered! I'd also love to hear your career pursuit stories, so reach out, and connect if you haven't already!

Wishing everyone the greatest of success. May today be a day of positive change, self empowerment, and achievement.

About the Author: Jo-Anne Niemann.

Jo-Anne is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Change Builders Consulting, she specialises in Customised Learning & Development, Leadership & Career Coaching, Organisational Change, and Sustainability.


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