R.I.S.E to Amp Up Your Career

Years of working with people to help develop their careers highlighted four key areas in which most could maximise their gain by narrowing their focus. This experience motivated me to develop my R.I.S.E. Career Elevation Model which encourages people to accept accountability for their career development and proactively plan and work towards the career they really desire. I genuinely believe that the most secure and happy people are those who empower themselves to achieve the outcomes they want.

As highlighted in the image below, the R.I.S.E. model has four key steps and each of those steps is achieved through a series of structured activities. Using this model I provide career coaching to help people achieve their career visions, the one that supports the life 'they' want.

  1. REALISE you're responsible for developing the career that supports the life you want.

  2. Develop INSIGHT and clarify your career goals.

  3. STANDOUT by advancing yourself and influencing others.

  4. ELEVATE you career by being resilient and tenaciously working toward your goals.

CB_RISE Steps.png

Building the life you want can be tough but making the right career choices can make it a whole lot easier! Don't wait for someone else to design your career, create your own career vision and back it up with genuine commitment and action.

I'm a career coach and I'm happy to help you or your team achieve career goals through R.I.S.E. and its structured activities, or you could use the four step framework as a guide to drive yourself. Whatever you decide about your career...own it! Don't play a role in someone else's strategy...have strong self belief play the key role in you're own!

About the Author: Jo-Anne Niemann.

Jo-Anne is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Change Builders Consulting, she specialises in performance and career coaching; customised learning and development; and organisational development.