3 Steps To Self Appraise Your Own Job Fit

Ella saw lots of opportunities arise in her workplace, and even though she really liked many of them she chose not to apply for any of them. She explained to me that her reluctance related to being uncertain as to whether she met the key selection requirements of different roles. After watching others progress beyond her, Ella was becoming increasingly frustrated and stuck. Ella's story is sadly not a surprise to me, I frequently meet people who tell me about jobs they wanted but for which they lacked the confidence to apply, because they were uncertain about whether they met the requirements.

My advice to Ella and to anyone else feeling frustrated and stuck in their current role...please don’t just wonder if you'd be a good fit for the position you want...empower yourself and work it out...then proactively decide whether to apply or not to apply! Ella's gain was immediate...it wasn't in securing a new job straight away...but realising that she was actually the one holding herself back and now she would be the one propelling herself forward!

...please don’t just wonder if you'd be a good fit for the position you want...empower yourself and work it out...then proactively decide whether to apply or not to apply!

For those uncertain where to begin, here is a simple 3 Step Self Appraisal Model to use when you're trying to assess your own job fit against key selection criterion. After reviewing the position description, highlight the key selection criterion and ask yourself the following 3 questions against each:

1. Do I know it?

Do I have the theoretical knowledge?

2. Can I do it?

Do I currently or have I previously performed this task?

3. Can I prove it?

Do I have supporting evidence (quantitative or qualitative examples) to support my belief?

3 Questions_Competency_1.png

If you find your answers are frequently 'yes' then it sounds like you meet many or all of the requirements... so go for it!

If you find the answer is too often 'no' then don't despair...make a plan to fill the requirements gaps so that you are in a better position to apply for a role like the one you want in the future.

I've used this simple approach with many people as a starting point to building their self efficacy and as a vehicle to mobilise them to apply for the opportunities they want, and to which they have a close match. It's a proactive activity that not only leads to improved self awareness but also creates the vital motivation often needed to drive careers forward.

Most of us are capable of far more than we're exploring, so whatever you do, don't wait for others to direct your career! Own it, and accept personal responsibility for building a career that supports the life you want. I wish you the greatest of success!

About the Author: Jo-Anne Niemann.

Jo-Anne is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Change Builders Consulting, she specialises in performance and career coaching; customised learning and development; and organisational development.