Six Steps to Reignite Momentum toward a Goal

There are few 100% guarantees in life, but when it comes to goals, there are many circumstances within your control, that you just might be overlooking. It's our perspective (the way we personally frame a situation) that often creates the illusion that situations are out of our control, and the changing of our perspective (by reframing the situation) that can often reignite our momentum. This article is for those seeking to reignite momentum toward their goals, offering six steps to help get the momentum going again.

Career Traction - 6 Tips to Self Empower

There are two certain ways to disempower yourself when it comes to your career progress: 'blaming others for your situation'​, and 'expecting others to give you the career you want'​. Seriously...don't do either of those things...empower yourself & own the change you desire. If you feel that your career is not progressing the way you expected, this article provides career empowerment tips to encourage you to drive your career outcomes.

3 Steps To Self Appraise Your Own Job Fit

3 Steps To Self Appraise Your Own Job Fit is written for anyone who is holding themselves back by not applying for opportunities because they don't know if they meet the requirements, and are uncertain about how to assess their own job fit. It provides a simple 3 step model to use as a starting point to building self efficacy and as a vehicle to mobilise people to apply for the opportunities they want, and to which they have a close match.

Four Tips To Build Your Career Elevator Pitch

Whether you're in a career transition, trying to kick start it, or simply trying to amp it up, you may find my blog 'Four Tips To Build Your Career Elevator Pitch' of value. It aims to give a powerful edge to anyone trying to create a career that supports the life they want, by providing four simple steps to create a career pitch for communication opportunities with key influencers.

Six Tips to Build Self-Efficacy for Success

For anyone pursuing life or career visions and finding themselves lacking the self-belief needed to help realise them, have a read of my post 'Six Tips to Build Your Self-Efficacy'. It provides six simple tips on how to strengthen self-efficacy, a valuable resource for achieving goals. It's an important topic so feel free to comment or provide input. I hope you find it useful.

R.I.S.E to Amp Up Your Career

Building the life you want can be tough, but making the right career choices can make it a whole lot easier! Don't wait for someone else to design your career, have a read of this post and consider how you can apply the four steps to help you create your own career vision and back it up with genuine commitment and action.